Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Welcome to Austin

Rain. Sweet, sweet rain. As if a 16 hour day of trans-continental transit yesterday wasn't enough, we touched down at midnight to the Big Cheese upstairs letting go like he's been holding in a prostate for the last month. And today, Day Zero of South by Southwest 2010, seems like He's still letting loose. As if to rub salt into the wound, this is the day for exploring Austin - checking out the Convention Centre, sniffing out the venues, and hopefully finding a place to buy a cord to upload some photos (not that there's much to photograph for non-rain buffs).
Motorhead are on at Stubb's tonight - an unofficial SXSW gig but an absolute bitching way to start the week off. Lemmy is doing a presentation as part of the Conference, but seeing as attending that will be a waste of precious Band-Seeing Time, tonight is the one and only night for some facial hair metal.
Right. It's time to locate some sort of rain-cloaking device (most probably in the form of some garbage bags) and get in there. If I'm not swept away I shall return...