Monday, January 11, 2010



I'll be here on the corner at sunset
Just like yesterday and tomorrow and the day after that
Singing my tunes
To the moon
Counting drunkards and loons
Like the sheep of an insomniac

If you saunter past at quarter after midnight
Then you stumble back at fifteen past one
You'll recognize
These few lines
Maybe help me pass the time
'Coz an hour's music's all that is mine

If you see me
Singing in the Street
Whoring my Songs
Like a Peddler at your Feet
Don't take Pity on My
Crude Attempts to get By

Remember the First Time
That History showed
What happens in Vegas
Ain't necessarily So
And from the Midwestern Towns
I rode my Midwestern Brown
Horse all the way Home

Who'll howl at the night sky
If we cut down all the trees and the wolves
have no place to hide
I'd like to think I'll stand in the spotlight
Have your trigger fingers ready
It's a baptism of fire

In those first milky hues of the morning
When the sun reassembles the board
I'll turn my back
On this tract
Of pavement that I've hacked
And I'll leave the rats squealing for more.